What is WolfSSL?

If you are an embedded developer, you might be familiar with mbedTLS, a widely used TLS library for embedded systems. However, mbedTLS is not the only option. WolfSSL is another excellent TLS library that offers TLS1.3 and many advanced features with very small code sizes (even smaller than mbedTLS).
If you want more detail, please access this link: wolfSSL – Embedded SSL/TLS Library

Building WolfSSL



Building Steps
# In wolfssl-5.6.6 folder

1. Configuration

2. make

3. Test

Prepare example

  • Copy wolfssl-example/tls to wolfssl-5.5.6/examples.
  • Copy the self-signed certificate (fullchain.pem and cert-key.pem) created in Part 3 to wolfssl-5.5.6/examples/tls.
  • Modify the server-tls.c file.
Code snip of server-tls.c
#define DEFAULT_PORT 443
#define IP_ADDR "You WLS IP address"
#define CERT_FILE "fullchain.pem"
#define KEY_FILE  "cert-key.pem"

Make and Run

Make and Run
# In wolfssl-5.5.6/examples/tls folder

1. Configuration

2. make


Thanks for reading!